Towards an integrative and comprehensive standard for meta-omics data of collection objects (MOD-CO)

DFG RA 731/16-1

From 05/2014 to 12/2017

Principal Investigator: Gerhard Rambold

For the deposition of molecular sequence and array data, a number of standards exist. However, the elaboration of a comprehensive standard (schema, vocabularies) for the assignment of any kind of meta-omics data to reference samples in natural history and living culture collections is still missing. The aim of the project is to select and categorize – on the background of a wide spectrum of methods – relevant descriptors from a wide range of procedural analysis protocols to set up a standard under avoidance of structural redundancy. Furthermore, descriptors belonging to related data domains will be evaluated and – if relevant – allocated to the new conceptual schema. Based on existing concepts and standards integrative controlled vocabularies will be elaborated to describe the full spectrum of observation and measurement elements as well as the procedural steps in the frame of the meta-omics characterization of environmental collection samples. The data names space schema with vo-cabularies will be exemplarily implemented in the Diversity Workbench and SILVA/ manage-ment system and published in collaboration with the standardization committees of TDWG and GSC.


DFG funding ID 248069971


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