Klaus-Holger Knorr
Adjunct ResearcherAt Limnological Research Station until 12/2013
e-Mail: kh.knorr(at)uni-muenster.de
Research interests
- Biogeochemistry of peatlands, lake sediments, and anaerobic aquifers
- Biogeochemical processes of wetland restoration
- Coupling of hydrological and biogeochemical processes
- CO2, N2O and CH4 production and trace gas fluxes
- Interface vegetation - rhizosphere - soils in wetland and heterogeneous process distribution
- Characterization of natural organic matter
- Redox active organic matter and interaction of DOC - iron - sulfur
- Stable and radioactive isotopes
Forschergruppe FOR580: ETRAP
Forschergruppe FOR562: Bodenprozesse
Klaus-Holger Knorr on academia.edu

>> Personal homepage
>> Curriculum Vitae
>> Publications
>> Lectures, posters...
>> Projects
>> Diploma Thesis
>> Position: Suport Staff
>> PhD Thesis
>> Theses supervised
>> Courses taught