Lecture/Exercise course: Biogeochemische Methoden (GM 3.15) (28438)
This course aims to teach a deeper understanding of biogeochemical processes in the natural environment with a focus on aqueous systems. It will also provide the practical skills to undertake biogeochemical research in a range on environments. The course will involve both conceptual understanding of biogeochemical processes and how practically to sample, measure and interpret biogeochemically relevant compounds at different spatial scales. This will include studying the connection between groundwater and surface water, chemical fluxes, production and cycling of elements such as carbon and nutrients through biogeochemical pathways. Specifically the course will investigate:
• Groundwater – surface water interactions and chemical (e.g. nutrient) fluxes in streams – where does the groundwater connect to surface water and how important is it?
• Biogeochemical cycling within streams with a particular emphasis on redox processes and nutrient cycling in the hyporheic zone and its importance for water quality and maintaining healthy ecosystems. The hyporheic zone as a natural biogeochemical filter
• Coupling between physical and biogeochemical processes in lakes e.g. the importance of stratification on chemical processes – natural chemical reactions and open vs. closed systems
• Peatlands as carbon reactors – extreme redox processes and carbon stores
The course will be given in a mixture of German and English, with discussions and field work mostly in German and formal lectures in English.
It will run every Thursday from 10:00-12:00 up until Christmas with a field intensive from 21-24/10
If you have an interest in this course please send me an email or come by and see me in the Limnology station
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